As a manufacturer, we take our raw materials from nature. This is a resource that we have a duty to protect. Our factories are committed to a process of continuous improvement aimed at reducing our overall environmental impact and investing to preserve water resources, in line with the ISO 14001 standard.
promeut une amélioration continue et l’intégration d’objectifs environnementaux dans les processus quotidiens des organisations.
of French sites certified in 2023
Limiting our consumption of drinking water
With the aim of halving our consumption of drinking water at our French sites by 2030, we are working to optimise our manufacturing facilities and processes in three ways: limit, substitute and recycle.
Slip coating process:
- Implementing systems that use less water.
- Replacing drinking water with untreated water.
- Recycling the slip coating waters in the moulding machine or in earth preparation.
- Recovering run-off water by installing basins or waterproof tarpaulins or using old concrete trenches.
- Regularly tracking consumption and repairing any leaks in pipes.
- Reducing humidity in the moulding machines.
Controlling and treating water discharges
Efforts to control and treat discharge are determined by environmental analyses of our manufacturing sites, with the aim of prioritising areas with the biggest impact.
As such, we treat, recycle and collect the water used to manufacture tiles by decanting discharged run-off and recycling process water.
We also file an annual declaration of our water discharges and the Regional Environment, Development and Housing Department (DREAL) carries out regular inspections at all our sites.