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Our CSR strategy: shaping a sustainable future together!

For over two centuries, we have been producing and manufacturing innovative solutions for the sustainable protection of homes.
Our ambition is stated in our motto, “shaping a sustainable future together”. This is what drives our actions and is the hallmark of our DNA.

Sustainable roofing: our CSR commitment

For Edilians Group, corporate social responsibility is a long-term commitment, integrated across the board in our business model and strategy.
Our long-term survival and success depend and will continue to depend on it, now and in the years to come!

See our objectives

Aware of the environmental impact of our industry, we offer solutions that combine performance and sustainable development, in order to meet our customers’ expectations and encourage the transition to a sustainable, low-carbon economy.

Our CSR policy revolves around four main pillars, with clear progress targets for 2025 and 2030.

Our 4 CSR pillars


the environment

local roots


Edilians Group: creating expertise

Shaping a sustainable future means providing a fulfilling and sociable human experience to the men and women we work with every day.

By reinforcing our culture and our commitments regarding health and safety, we make sure to provide each of our employees with a safe, healthy work environment that promotes well-being.

16,895 cumulative hours of health & safety training.

Our Human Capital teams are committed to developing skills and helping everyone achieve a high level of competence.
Fostering personal development and a better understanding of the major changes taking place in the industry is a priority for our organisation.

Between 2021 and 2023, 100% of our employees have taken at least one quality of working life training course (personal energy, stress management, health and well-being, gestures and postures, etc.).

Lastly, we care about enforcing and reinforcing our diversity policy, while paying particular attention to gender equality at all levels.
Gender equality index 86/100 for the Edilians SAS scope(i.e. 11 points above the legal minimum)

Target for 2025: 90/100 for the Edilians SAS scope

Edilians com externe

EDILIANS Group: building sustainability

Shaping a sustainable future means working every day to build more eco-friendly solutions.

In particular, we are working to significantly reduce our carbon footprint through continuous improvement, innovation, and disruptive technologies.

Our goal?

To reduce direct carbon emissions per tonne of tiles produced by 30%.
This challenge drives every single one of our daily projects!

We control our environmental impact, by optimising our processes all along our value chain, to take only what is needed and limit our consumption of drinking water.
We reduce our manufacturing waste by recycling it or reintegrating it into the production process.

At Tejas Borja, 100% of manufacturing waste is recycled and reintegrated into the process.

We work to preserve the flora and fauna on our sites.
And because we firmly believe that another way of living on Earth is possible, we develop sustainable, innovative and respectful solutions for the future, designed to build the homes of tomorrow.

Edilians Group: local artisans

Shaping a sustainable future means capitalising on our unique local foundations and our unrivalled expertise in the unique nature of our regions.

Setting the standard for the virtuous development of our regions is anchored in our DNA and our history.
Every single day, we strive to maintain virtuous bonds between individuals and their regions.

Because we care about both people and the environment, we make it a point of honour to recruit our employees as close as possible to our sites.

75% or more of our employees hired for permanent jobs lived within 40 km of our factories in France in 2022.

Because we are attentive to our partners and the long-term future of their business, we support and advise our customers all the way to their work sites, in particular by contributing to training at the Edilians Academy.

Over 200 roofers are trained each year.

With our ancestral skill set, our dearest wish is to be involved in projects

that enhance the heritage of the regions where we are based.
The architectural new-build and renovation projects we support respect the specific technical and aesthetic characteristics of each region.

Three projects of architectural and heritage value supported every year in France

Edilians Group: responsible manufacturers

Shaping a sustainable future means remaining a committed, responsible company.

We are proud to be a group that conducts its business in an exemplary manner by structuring its governance and CSR policy, backed by external certifications
that testify to our transparency and commitment to continuous improvement!

Ecovadis GOLD Medal for Edilians SAS and PLATINIUM Medal for Edilians TECH

Logo Ecovadis EDILIANS 2024

The year 2023 has been particularly marked by the creation of the new ESG committee.
This body aims to strengthen the integration of CSR within the Board of Directors and guarantee the level of expertise of the most strategic CSR decisions.
It is providing a tremendous opportunity to progress even more quickly!

Lastly, shaping a sustainable future is our commitment as a company and has been our corporate purpose for two centuries.

Our contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations in 2015 are the cornerstone of the 2030 Agenda, calling on all institutional, economic, and civil players to mobilise.
That is why we have identified 13 ambitious and cross-functional SDGs that will require us to conduct our activities and operations responsibly.

View objectives

Since 2023, Edilians Group has been committed to the United Nations Global Compact social responsibility initiative and its Ten Principles around human rights, labor standards, the environment and anti-corruption.

View our Letter